Michael Jordan wasn’t a perfectionist; he was an improvisationist. That’s why he was hard to stop.
A perfectionist knows exactly what he’s going to do. He plans his work and works his plan. The only problem is that because he knows, the defender knows, too.
It’s easy to anticipate what a perfectionist is going to do. He’s predictable.
But no one knew what Michael was going to do, because he didn’t know himself.
Does it surprise you that nearly all the superstar basketball players and top-scoring running backs test as improvisationists?
So do all the best ad writers.
Predictability is the curse of the perfectionist, and the silent assassin of advertising.
When you say what people expect you to say, no matter how perfectly you say it, you bore them.
Improvisation puts the bubbles in champagne.
Improvisation puts a wiggle in your walk.
Improvisation puts money in your bank account, bread in your basket, glitter on your cheek, and a smile on your face.
Unexpected is interesting.
Unpredictable is enlightening.
Improvised is exciting.
Random Entry is a technique that guarantees improvisation in advertising.
The magic of random entry begins when the ad writer doesn’t choose the opening line of the ad. Rather, it is chosen for him by someone who has no idea what they are doing.
Want to try it? Ask a stranger to think of a colorful sentence. Tell them to make it “vivid, unexpected, larger than life.” Tell them, “The sentence doesn’t have to be about anything in particular; it just has to cause people to be curious about where this story is headed.”
The best way to create Random Entry without the help of an unwitting accomplice is to flip open a book and place your finger on a page with your eyes closed. The sentence on which your finger lands will be the opening line of your ad.
“Wiggins was Harvey’s pet hamster.”
That’s your opening line for the 30-second radio ad you’re about to write for the company that provides your primary income. If your ad makes sense, elevates attention, and successfully sells a product or service, congratulations! You are an improvisationist.
Unless you work with seasoned marketers with rich experience writing irresistible advertising, like Ryan Chute’s teams at Wizard of Ads®. Book a call.